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Pride of Colombians for the business sector


It is gratifying to find that the emotions towards the business community are mostly positive.

Colombians feel great admiration and pride for the business sector, according to the results of the first perception survey on the opinions and emotions generated by this sector in the country. The study, presented by our Universidad del Rosario in collaboration with EL TIEMPO Casa Editorial and the Centro Nacional de Consultoría, represents a statistical universe of 29 million people in Colombia. It is gratifying to find that emotions towards the business sector are mostly positive. Pride, optimism and joy occupy the first places, with 22%, 22% and 19%, respectively. The fact that optimism is the predominant emotion in young people between 18 and 25 years old towards entrepreneurship stands out, with 34%. Likewise, 72% of Colombians feel admiration for the business sector. This sentiment is highest in Antioquia and the Coffee Region (81%), followed by the South West (78%), the Caribbean (77%), Bogotá (66%) and the Central East (65%). In addition, 77% of Colombians express satisfaction with the employment relationship they have with the company where they work. Satisfaction is equal to or greater than 75% in all socioeconomic strata, and by region there is a difference between Antioquia and the Coffee Region, with 86%, compared to the Caribbean, with 67%. Finally, 81% of those surveyed who are self-employed, students, housewives or unemployed would like to have a paid job. When analyzing which sectors of the economy promote the integral development of the country, Colombians consider the impact of the coffee sector (98%), rice production (96%), trade (95%) and tourism (94%) very positive. ). The case of oil is striking: (81%) of those surveyed described it as a positive industry, and 75% considered that the country's economy would worsen if this sector stopped operating.

Of course, the survey reflects the concern of Colombians for inequality in our country. 58% of our compatriots believe that it is up to the universities, companies, and national and local governments to create a synergy to "make the country's wealth reach everyone." In the same way, they support the idea of ​​mobilizing wealth as a safe vehicle to bring well-being to citizens. When asked if they consider that Colombia can be a rich country without solid companies, 86% answered no. And another surprising piece of information has to do with this expectation of people: 84% of those surveyed have wanted to create a company, 72% of them have tried to do so and 48% of those who have tried have been successful. . There is a difference of 6 percentage points between men and women, both in the attempt and in the success, which demonstrates, once again, the need to create more entrepreneurship programs for Colombian women. I cannot fail to express gratitude for the immense support of public opinion for public and private universities, which enjoy the greatest confidence of Colombians. This support motivates us to reinforce our commitment to building a country with a better quality of life for all. Social challenges call us to participate more directly with different sectors to find paths that lead us to prosperous common goals.

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