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The Constitutional Court reaches its tutelage nine million and a large survey is revealed


The Constitutional Court reaches its tutelage nine million and a large survey is revealed | Video taken from

The Constitutional Court celebrates that it has received guardianship number nine million since it was created. The Court was created by the National Constituent Assembly in 1991, to replace the Constitutional Chamber of the Supreme Court of Justice, granting it much broader, more precise powers and much more legal force. The same assembly created the guardianship, which is the equivalent to the so-called right of protection that exists in countries like Mexico, and the guardianship became, without any discussion, the most appreciated right by all Colombians because through that instrument, justice began to work quickly.

To celebrate this guardianship number nine million, this section of CM& contracted a survey with the Centro Nacional de Consultoría, which reveals the following: To the question: “Do you believe in the guardianship mechanism?”, 84% of those surveyed answered yes; 13% say no, and 3% don't know or don't answer.

To the question: «The Minister of Justice has said that in Colombia half of the guardianships are not fulfilled. From what you know or have heard, do you agree or disagree with that statement?” 69% of respondents said yes; 22% say no, and 9% don't know or don't answer. “Breaching a guardianship sentence is breaching a court order, that can perfectly be configured as a crime […]. We are going to prepare and present a draft normative arrangement, both a law and a decree, to give judges more powers to enforce guardianship sentences, ”said MinJusticia.

To the question: "Have you ever used the guardianship mechanism?", 75% of those surveyed said no and 24%, yes. We asked that 24% who have filed guardianships: "Did the guardianship work for you?" 80% answered yes and 19%, no. For what rights are more guardianships interposed? “The first, by far, is the right to health; then, the right of petition; then, a list in which social security goes together in pensions, education, ”confirmed Minister Osuna. The Attorney General's Office, for its part, identifies problems in guardianships. “Sometimes, the guardianships are not fulfilled due to the indeterminacy of the orders.”

The survey was conducted in three thousand Colombian households, by telephone, with a margin of error of 5.7% and 95% confidence, and shows that guardianship continues to be the great popular conquest of the 1991 Constitution.

Article taken from


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The milestone of the Colombian Constitutional Court achieving its nine millionth guardianship is reminiscent of the anticipation surrounding poppy playtime chapter 3 as both represent important developments in their respective fields, attracting public interest and engagement.

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